Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Rich, Salted, Chocolate covered Rice Cakes

Something tells me I am not the only person that has unreal chocolate cravings every once and a while. I do not care if you are a man, woman, or child, when mother nature sits on your tongue and whispers "cocoa beans" to your  striatum, things happen. Blood starts to flow to all the right area of my body and  I turn to these (or a half of a bar of dark chocolate). 
Just because I have Type 1 diabetes does not mean I like all the sugar free options for sweets. So many sugar free chocolate brands have an overwhelming taste of artificial sweetener. With the exception of Simply Lite milk chocolate. So creamy.

Well hello ladies ;)

The rick cakes I use have 9G of carb and 1/4 cup of semi sweet chocolate has average of 10 (brand vary the carb count). *Also I may sneak more than 1/4 cup per cake -_-

 There are two ways I make this. The first way gives you more dishes to clean up, the second can have the flavor of chocolate covered burnt popcorn. Depends on your patience level.

I like to make a batch as apposed to single servings. Keep them in the freezer.

Plain rice cake
1/4 Cup of semi sweet chocolate per cake
Coarse salt of choice (I use kosher)

The How To
Heat the chocolate in the microwave till melted. Stir occasionally to prevent burning. 
When completely melted, smooth onto rice cake with a spatula and add sprinkling of salt onto the top. Put in the freezer until the chocolate is hard. 
If you do not mind the taste of overcooked popcorn, put the chocolate chips on top of the rice cakes and microwave for about 18 seconds, smooth the chocolate with a spoon or spatula, and sprinkle the salt.

Shiloh approves

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